In week 1 we were given a small ecercise to get the new semester started. In groups of 3-4 we were 'to design and build a prototye for the most adaptable space we could imagine. The aim was to create the most space using the least materials.'
My group included Melanie Fenech and Emma Gauder. The initial idea behind the conecpt was of a children's pop out story book. We started by experimenting with folding and scrunching paper in order to get the right shape. The prototype allows for easy transportation and can easily be folded out on location. Below are the images of our prototype!
The image above illustrates the protype completely folded, as if it were being tranported on the back of a truck!
Above illustrates the prortype partly folded out and propped up. The idea behind this position indicates that the protype can be used for other purposes. If the space is not needed it can be propped up and used as shading or purely for sculptural purposes. We also discussed in our group, (if the protoype were to be used in a school) that play equipment could be attached to it eg. monkey bars!
The above image indiactes the protype being folded out!
The photo above indicates the protype fully folded out. The domed space/structure would be created by a webbed frame with a canvas type material attached.
The above photo is a larger prototype that we first experimented with!
We created a space that was adabtable in the way that it could be used for more than one purpose. (shelter/sculputre/play equipment and a space/form).
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