Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Project 1: RARE Architecture

Project 1 which runs over 4 weeks is based on RARE Architecture. RARE meaning Renewable, Adaptable, Relocatable and Environmental. In our groups we were asked to re-define the mod-5 relocatable classroom whilst integrating the concepts of RARE Architecture.

Mel, Emma and I began wokring through the problem and drew inspiration from the two buildings below.

The image above is of a gallery space. The ceiling is designed entirely of a cardboard material attached together with a metal connector to form a triangular lattice. The idea of recycled carboard material was appealing as well as its ability to let in natural light. We were also mindful of its easy erecton on site. We considered using this type of construction not only for the ceiling but for the walls as well. The lattice structure on the walls would act as shelving and storage for students work/bags/books.

The building above is a holiday cabin designed by Olsen Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects in Washington. The most apealing feature of this building is its ability to adjust the amount of natural sunlight into it. The moveable panels allows the building to be adapted for different uses. The elements of this building were constructed off site and then transported onsite and bolted together. Things that we considered as a group was the buildings sustainability. The structure and panels are made of steel which is not an ideal material with its high embodied energy. Recycled timber or plywood could be considered instead of steel panels.

Above is an image indicating the way in which the building works. The buildings panels open and close manually by a wheel and connected to cogs and a pully type system!

The images of the holiday cabin are taken from:
Carles Broto, Superb Cabins: Small Houses in Nature, Barcelona, 2007

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